Publications Database

Research on Alpha-gal Syndrome
(the Mammalian Meat Allergy)

With this publications database, we hope to consolidate all the peer-reviewed research on alpha-gal syndrome, as well as select publications on related topics such as:

  • pork-cat syndrome and other mammalian meat allergies
  • other carbohydrate allergies
  • cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants
  • the role of ecto- and endoparasites in inducing food allergy
  • vector management and ecology
  • the evolution of the α-gal immune response
  • allergy and autoimmune disease
  • hypersensitivity reactions to biologics
  • co-factors
  • idiopathic anaphylaxis
  • airborne reactions to food allergens
  • carrageenan, mammalian byproducts, cross-contamination of meat products, and other relevant food and food industry issues
  • viral glycan shields and the development of drugs and vaccines employing the α-gal immune response
  • xenotransplantation and the development of knock-out pigs

Some gray literature and relevant government, industry, and nonprofit documents were included.

Thanks to Lee Ann Kendrick, Matthew von Hendy, and John Bianchi of Revivicor for their assistance with the initial creation of this database. 

Stars indicate publications flagged as important or of interest in one or more review articles by Commins SP, Hilger C, Platts-Mills TAE, and van Nunen S, and/or deemed as such by the database manager.

* of interest
** of significant interest
† of special relevance to emergency care/perioperative care/hospitalization/pharmacy
‡ of special relevance to diagnosis and management
§ key review articles

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